Objective To develop a method for the determination of prednisolone acetate in the compound prednisolone acetate nasal drops. 目的建立复方醋酸泼尼松龙滴鼻液中醋酸泼尼松龙含量测定的简便方法。
Clinical Observation on Prednisolone Acetate Treating for 24 Cases with Subacute Thyroiditis 醋酸泼尼松龙局部注射治疗24例亚急性甲状腺炎的临床观察
We separately analyzed data from three groups of patients: those who received fluorometholone only; those who were initially given fluorometholone then later switched to prednisolone acetate; and those who received prednisolone acetate only. 我们分别分析了三组病人:仅使用丙酮缩氟氢羟龙组;起初使用丙酮缩氟氢羟龙但转用泼尼松龙组;仅使用泼尼松龙组。
Methods Prednisolone acetate ( PA) was injected into the diseased part and iodine glycerin spread on the diseased part to treat 38 case of ULP, and observe its curative effect. 方法应用醋酸强的松龙(PrednisoloneAcetate,PA)病变区内注射和碘甘油(iodineglycerin)局部外用治疗糜烂型扁平苔癣38例,并进行疗效观察。
OBJECTIVE To study the preparation of compound prednisolone nasal drops and control its quality. METHODS colorimetry was applied to determine prednisolone acetate in the nasal drops. 目的:研制复方泼尼松龙滴鼻剂,并对其质量进行控制。方法:采用比色法测定制剂中醋酸泼尼松龙的含量。
ObjectiveTo establish experimental periodontitis model in SD rats by prednisolone acetate injection and ligature of their left first maxillary molars with steel wire. 目的通过给SD大鼠肌注糖皮质激素及牙间结扎建立实验性牙周炎模型。
Determination of the content and the related substances of prednisolone acetate in Poly-Pred by RP-HPLC method RP-HPLC法测定帕利百中醋酸泼尼松龙的含量及其有关物质
Eye drops of 1% prednisolone acetate, 1% atropine, and tropicamide were used. 眼部滴用1%百力特、1%阿托品和复方托品酰胺眼液。
Four Yang Deficiency mice models were made in this experiment with intraperitoneal prednisolone acetate and Reser-pin injection, methylthiouracil and hydroxyurea feeding. Then the cell immunity changes in each animal group were ob-served. 本研究用腹腔注射醋酸氢化泼尼松、喂饲甲基硫氧嘧啶、喂饲羟基脲和腹腔注射利血平等方法复制了4种小鼠阳虚模型,然后观察其部分细胞免疫功能变化。
METHODS colorimetry was applied to determine prednisolone acetate in the nasal drops. 方法:采用比色法测定制剂中醋酸泼尼松龙的含量。
Conclusions The solubility and dissolution rate of prednisolone acetate are increased after being included by β-cyclodextrin. 结论醋酸泼尼松龙β-环糊精包合物可明显提高醋酸泼尼松龙的溶解度及溶出速率。
Synthesis of 6 α-methyl prednisolone acetate 6α-甲基强的松龙乙酸酯的合成
The effects of intrathecal prednisolone acetate administration on analgesia and c-fos protein expression in spinal cord in rats 鞘内注入醋酸泼尼松龙对大鼠镇痛作用及脊髓c-fos表达的影响
Medicine is consecrated to different time points after rats plasma, join internal standard prednisolone, using liquid-liquid extraction to join a certain volume of ethyl acetate, according to a certain proportion drain on the fluid. 取给药后不同时间点的大鼠血浆,加入内标泼尼松龙,采用液液萃取法加入一定体积乙酸乙酯,按一定比例吸取上清液。